3 Strategies to Help Employees Thrive in the New “Normal”

Summary. There’s still uncertainty about what the workplace new normal will be, and it’s easy for companies to default to old routines and habits. Based on their extensive research on psychological contracts, idiosyncratic deals, and leadership, the authors present three… As businesses continue to feel their way into a post-pandemic world and plan for a […]
Eliminate the growing pains from your security strategy

The widespread adoption of cloud computing and remote work arrangements have rendered a traditional, perimeter-based security approach obsolete. A company’s applications and data are no longer confined within the four walls of a data center, allowing users and devices to join your network from anywhere, at any time. A more distributed environment demands a new […]
Green-tech and Industry 4.0: supporting a sustainable future
Imagine running your enterprise on current funds. No more revenues coming in. This is exactly how we are running our planet since July 29th known as ‘Earth Overshoot Day’[1], the day when our demands on ecological resources in a given year outstripped what the earth can generate. The United Nations (UN) recently issued a grim […]
Protecting data against threats is essential to the success of startups and growing businesses

Data contains valuable business insights that can help your organization achieve its goals. Threats to data availability come from many sources, from cyberattacks to user errors. Make sure you opt for a storage solution that will not only grow with your business, but protect your data every step of the way. “Data is the lifeblood […]
How small businesses can leverage cloud and XaaS for growth and profitability

The world has changed remarkably in recent times in the way people live, businesses operate, and governments work, thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has acted as a catalyst for the acceleration of digital transformation in all walks of life. Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, the cloud computing ecosystem has […] The world has changed remarkably […]